Dean Sturgess

C#/C++, UX Design, Game Design, Other things

Name: Dean Sturgess

Profile: Masters student and indie Developer

Email: [email protected]

About me

Software development used to be a hobby of mine but when my situation afforded me the chance to retrain I chose to leave finance and do what I enjoy.

I have a Bsc in Games Computing from Lincoln University where I am currently completing my Masters qualification In game development and design. The study of the design patterns in games and the affordances that other software use has always interested me and I think considering these when designing user experiences are key to making usable software.

I am currently working on projects involving twitch and discord interaction in games. I’m also interested in narrative managers (sometimes called drama managers, although every researcher seems to give them a new name) which form the basis of my Masters’ thesis as I plan to explore the relationship between these managers and feelings of player agency.


A selection of things I've worked on in the past, click on an image for more
Check out my Github for code and other projects.

VR Jetbikes

C#, Unity, OpenVR, HTC Vive
High speed first person vehicle combat in vr. Zoom around an arena and fight others from the back of a 400mph hoverbike.

Sim Sifter

C#, Unity, HLSL
Made in only 48 hours during CanJam March 2020 The theme was "flow" Nice excuse to have a go at writing a shader which would draw a fluid without being too computationally heavy.


C#, Unity, Paid
A multi-line video slots game, common in betting shops and casinos. This was made to feature in a VR setting for the study of gambling addiction

Lizard Run

C# Unity, Mobile
Simple platform game where the only user input is how loud you shout.

Martian Fighting Machine

3D Modeling, 3D Printing, Paid
It's not all code, commisioned to design a model for 28mm tabletop gaming.

Glove Visualiser

Machine Learning, C#
This is a tool which uses the GLOVE dataset to allow a system to have a greater understanding of the symantic meaning of words and the basis of my undergrad thesis.